Forget-Me-Not *Card Purse

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Unforgettable Forget-Me-Not Purse

This week has been a crazy mixture of events. I got a new laptop (YAY – it works without being plugged in (shock) and doesn’t sound like an airplane taking off. I did the first run I’ve had in 2 years (admittedly spluttering and gasping for air – not quite the fit athlete I was 2 years ago before the bi-lateral foot reconstructions), entertained a young visitor to the house, a new baby was born to a lovely couple, I helped a friend who was in a crisis. Life is full of surprises.

I am fortunate enough to have quite a few people in my life, most of whom (even if I really wanted to), I cannot forget. I don’t mean that statement to sound rude… there are some people in everyone’s life you’d rather not have shared a lasting memory with, but more importantly, those that you cannot be thankful enough for their appearance in your life. I value each of these people for ALL the lessons I have learnt. A lasting impression. Without these “Unforgettable’s”, I would not be who I am today.

As a gift, the Forget-Me-Not flower is often given as a gift of remembrance. One the best known legends of how it got its name, is of a knight, walking alongside a riverbank with his beloved. As they walked, he slipped into the river and was unable to get out from the weight of his armour. As she was trying to help him out, he handed her a small bouquet of blue flowers from the waters edge and whispered “forget me not” before slipping away in the rivers fierce torrents.

If you were thinking of a gift for someone unforgettable in your life, this purse would be ideal. The little bloom is quite pretty and may equally just be there to help the forgetful type to remember to pack ‘x,y,z’.

This purse – fits credit cards and is available in my shop.

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