Haruna’s Teddy

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This teddy is most likely the MOST travelled teddy alive. I think she deserves a passport of her own.

I recently travelled to meet my sisters for our first (and hopefully not last) visit to Japan. Japan by the way, was AMAZING! Queue intro to a future post… well, I will tell you all about  the amazing country, its beautiful people and the wonderful experiences, tastes and smells – but that will need to wait for another post…

Haruna is my sisters friend, both living in South Africa. Haruna apparently is a fan of my work (*blush*) and so, with plans to meet up in Japan, Lisa asked if I would make a teddy for Haruna.

Haruna’s teddy travelled with me from Guernsey to London Gatwick. Then on to Heathrow where we spent the night at a hotel nearby terminal 5. The next morning, we flew from Heathrow to Tokyo and in Japan, she toured all over with us before flying back home with my sister to South Africa (Tokyo to Hong Kong, Hong Kong to South Africa). All the sights and sounds she has seen – I really should’ve got the little bear a suitcase of her own to fill with memories and souvenir’s.

Haruna, I really hope you like your teddy bear and that her stories of travel inspire you for many adventures and excitement of your own.

Take care,





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