Where has the time gone? Market update

Home / Bits 'n Bobs / Where has the time gone? Market update

Since my last post in May and the aftermath of the Seafront Sunday, I’ve been extremely busy! It’s not a bad thing being busy, but I’ve not been very good at keeping regular blog posts. I’ll try be gentle with the unrolling of posts to show you what I’ve been up to since 🙂

Firstly, here are some snaps I took at the Seafront Sunday. It was a rather tiring, but all in all a fairly successful day in the end! I had a lot of enquiries about crochet lessons, gave out tons of business cards, sold 8 items and got quite a few orders!

The stall holders around me were wonderful! So supportive and I really was welcomed to the community with open arms!

Following the Seafront Sunday, I had a lot of orders and requests for crochet items. I was even asked to crochet a pair of shorts for a man, which initially sounded a bit bizarre (I’m sure we’ve all seen ‘that’ image on social media of the couple in full crochet granny square outfits in the middle of some festival where the granny square centers are strategically placed to make maximum impact 😂) but I was assured this was a genuine request. I was given the color choice by my client and so I sets about crocheting some shorts. In the end, I really think these could’ve done with some Liquorice Allsorts embellishments, but nevertheless the client was rather pleased with the result:

'THAT' Picture :)

(this is ‘That’ picture if you didn’t know of it)

Whilst at the market I sat next to the ladies who had a stall for their traditional Guernsey jumpers (known as ‘Guernsey’s’). You can find their webpage here. These are knitted but they also happened to have crochet kits on sale and I of course had to have a nosey! With my Kitten due home any day, I bought the crochet tin kit (TOFT UK – Mackerel). These kits are AWESOME! Enough yarn to make 3 fish, I only made one and set it aside for the wee furbaby (I’ll replace them as they need to be). If you follow my Instagram you’ll know that the kitten bed I made was a HIT from day 1 and the Mackerel equally loved!

This got me onto making a toy fish for a friends’ cat. She wanted to be able to stuff it with catnip and re-stuff it when the catnip disappeared. I havent used a pattern for this one and dying to find out if this was a hit so that I can try make another!

That’s all I can say about the market (for now). I’ll be doing another post VERY soon as there is a LOT to catch up on. Hopefully be able to update you soon!


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