Blogger Recognition Award nomination

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Blogger Recognition Award 2017

I’m so honored to have received my very first blog award nomination.  Thank you so much for the nomination, Tami (Tanglewood knots ).

The rules for the award are:-

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

The reason behind it all

I was having a terrible time. I’ll try not go into all of what was going on – you’d be shocked, but everything in my life seemed impossible and trying to believe the things that were happening around me was really happening, was truly a hard task. It felt as though everything that could possibly go wrong was going wrong and in the worst way ever. I was finding it difficult to take on anymore  bad news, yet it kept coming and I was struggling. I was not finding joy in anything and my crafts had taken a back seat to the life events. I went to see a therapist to help come to terms with all that was thrown my way. After a few sessions with her, she suggested setting up an online shop / website of some sort to sell my hand crafts. She explained the benefits of being creative and encouraged me to pursue a creative escape at least once a day. She felt that rather than always giving my hand made works away to others that it would be good to try sell my works, not necessarily for money (or a lot of it), but to help me improve my confidence and self belief by getting something “back”, for me. She explained that I was giving myself away in so many ways but not really looking after me. Initially I only had my Etsy shop. I was so surprised to have had such a lovely response to the toys I was making and found that every order received boosted my confidence just a little bit more. After a couple of sales I went on to set up the blog, which with a little research on ‘how to attract customers’ I found that I needed to generate (according to those in the know) a better ‘online presence’… to ‘make myself/ my shop known’ in the mystical World Wide Web. I’m still learning and there are many things I still do not know about this blogging thing, but my intentions are to keep the blog as a ‘showcase’ of the things I’ve made, the WIP’s which you’re likely to see in my shop at some point (with a story about how this came about) and possibly provide insight into future projects. A sort of resume I’d suppose. I work full time so my blog and crochet (for the time being) is my hobby, my sanity and my  salvation. The making of something beautiful and concentrating on the outcome to overcome troubled times. My “Look what I made” and my “Wow… can you believe it – I’ve been nominated for an award! I must be doing something right!” 😊

Two pieces of advice – passing on my penny’s worth

  1. Be true to yourself and honor your work. If you’re gonna write a blog post, make it real. Bring it to life. Tell the story it deserves. You don’t have to write pages and pages (sometimes a little is more than enough), but honor your subject, be true to yourself and let us know what makes the subject special for you. Your enthusiasm will speak volumes.
  2. Read the blogs you follow. You can learn so much from others and get some interesting tips and tricks to those blogging dilemma’s and mystifying secrets. You can find all sorts of inspiration and insights into others expressions and postings. It’s also a great way to be social and find like minded people all equally supportive of your blog.

15 of my fav’s

Before I list the 15, I’d just like to say that I appreciate every one of my followers (I always follow my followers back) and I hope you do not feel offended if your blog is not listed below:-

  1. Tanglewood knots – Tami has got my vote (right back at ya), for all the positive vibes and great friendly support. Really grateful to have met a wonderful internet buddy.
  2. Emma Craft Projects – Emma always pops by to say hello and her blog is full of the cutest creations.
  3. Craft odyssey – Mrs P’s stories make me laugh out loud.
  4. Salty Mom – a DIY guru with wonderful ideas.
  5. My Crafty Musings – for all the beautiful colors and crafty inspiration
  6. The Crafty Mummy Blog  – Kasia’s crafty inspiration and wonderful photography – I honestly don’t know where you get all the time!
  7. Craft and other Crazy plans– Mrs Craft’s ideas, tutorials and stories are just superb.
  8. Lime Green Lady – TilleyB’s wonderfully unique ideas.
  9. Florrie and Rene – Vicki’s started a new site. Check out her beautiful card designs!
  10. LucyAnn and Luna – LucyAnn is currently working on a very unusual project. I’m quite keen to see what happens next…
  11. A Hook and Happy Heart – I was so inspired by your stickers and and planner things, I just had to jump in and set myself up a bullet journal too.
  12. Pleasant Plushies – Rachel’s blanket looks so soft and inviting
  13. Funky Air Bear – Being a runner too (although not having done so in a while due to my foot ops), I enjoy the mixture of exercise and creativity stories on this blog.
  14. Amanda crochets – The patience of Amanda’s posts on crochet tutorials deserves an award. Spreading the love of crochet and teaching others to do so too.
  15. The Rainbow Junkie – Jane’s use of color in all her projects. I’m also very jealous of her beautiful garden!

That’s it folks – sorry it took such a long time to get this out there. I was away in London the weekend and had very little time or access to WiFi.


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