Blue and Yellow Cherry Blossom *Coin Purses

Home / Bits 'n Bobs / Blue and Yellow Cherry Blossom *Coin Purses

I’m so glad that the Cherry Blossom design has worked out so well in yellow. And just the day for it to be finished too:- a strange yellow ball appeared in the sky today… we haven’t seen it in these parts of the world for quite some time. I tried hard not to stare at it in case I scared it off. It’s been a wonderful day with actual yellow light from the sun, none of the grey overcast malarkey. I am convinced the sun came out in some  sort of approval and to welcome the yellow purse being born ☀️

Of course I had to make a second Blue Cherry Blossom *Coin Purse, in case one of you were thinking of gift ideas. I’ve decided to keep the first Blue Cherry Blossom *Coin Purse (well, that’s if the Doily *Coin Purse doesn’t sell and I change my mind … for now…

If you’d like to purchase either purses (Don’t forget about upcoming Mother’s Day) please visit my Etsy Shop.

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