Evie’s *Bunny

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I was so happy to receive a custom order for a *bunny. I haven’t made one in a while and it was the perfect time to try follow the pattern I wrote for myself again. I’m not sure if you have tried writing your own patterns in the hopes that you’ll know exactly what you did the first time you made something new, but I have found that it is not such a simple process and I take my hat off to those pattern writers out there! Each time I follow the scribblings in my notepad, I find myself changing something here or there, rubbing out the pencil scratchings and overwriting with new stitch commands whilst whispering to myself “What do you mean 2dc there?, its not gonna work that way”. I’m pretty positive I’ve written down exactly what I’ve done the time before but, obviously crocheting and writing down the stitches made is one too many tasks for my brain to cope with :).  Mind you, I must admit that some of my scribbles have been vague to say the least. Obviously bored of stopping to write down the stitches made, I simply wrote “continue as before”. Not very helpful, Nina! Hopefully it’ll get easier and eventually I’ll be able to settle, knowing that the pattern is “perfect”.

Do you write your own patterns down? How have you found it?

So this is Evie’s *Bunny. She is going to America and should be with her new Mommy just in time for Easter!

Happy Sunday everyone!


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