Matching *Phone and *Card pouch

Home / Bits 'n Bobs / Matching *Phone and *Card pouch

I’ve completed 3 custom orders this weekend. Very pleased to be able to share with you at least one of them (the other orders are top secret so you’ll have to wait to read about those later on 😊)

This order was from my very good friend, Jo. She’s been one of my biggest supporters and has already purchased several crochet things from me. She loves her card pouches and wanted a third ‘summery one’, also a matching *Phone pouch, please.

Jo didn’t have any special requests – she said she trusted my judgement and thought whatever I made would be good enough. (High praise in deed!) Thinking about it – I know Jo loves blue. It’s her favourite colour. I thought about doing a *Blue Cherry Blossom design but also wanted to do something a little different.

After settling on the stripes of blue I went about making them. I then had the “hard job” of settling on buttons. I had several (in fact a WHOLE jar full) of quirky buttons left over from the making of the *Earphone cable tidies. I quite liked the blue shells, the blue flowers and even the blue stars, but when I put the silver flower against the blue striped fabric – I just knew it had to be this or no other. Elegant and fun. Everyday use or special occasions.

I added a cotton floral lining and that was it – “a ta-dah” moment 🙂 I quite like this myself – but what do you think – will she like it?

Matching *Phone and *Card pouch
Matching *Phone and *Card pouch (inside)
Blue stripe duo - *phone and *card holders
Matching *Phone and *Card pouch

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