Remembering *Egg for Life

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Egg for life

As we approach Easter, I’m reminded of my *Egg for Life campaign I undertook in 2014 prior to the annual “Race for Life” charity run(s) I did (I did two that year) to raise funds for Cancer Research UK.

I didn’t have a blog back then however set about organizing an event to help boost my sponsorship on Facebook.

The idea was to sell an *Egg for Life (just in time for Easter) in exchange for a £5.00 sponsorship or, to attend a morning tea and crochet lesson with *Egg for Life kit boxes which included all the supplies you needed to make an egg and pattern. I was of course providing the lesson and my hubby provided the teas, cakes and sandwiches (he is an amazing cook).

I had some great support from suppliers when I told them my plan. One shop supplied pink crochet hooks and stitch markers for  the kits, people were posting me yarn, I was given purple egg boxes, and I received a large discount on the order for the pink boxes. 😊

The event was awesome. The day was a success and we had SO much fun! (Hopefully I  can speak for the ladies who were there!) The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement. I was rather nervous about doing a lesson: it is rather daunting to face teaching complete novices (some) to crochet, especially when there were so many in one go, but it turned out fine and all told me they had had a fun time regardless. In the end, after lots of fun and laughter, scones with jam and cream, cakes and copious amounts of tea, amongst the finished articles there were some really good eggs made and well,  some shapes (which we all agreed in laughter) that came out not resembling an egg in any shape or form at all 😂

After the event, I sold the tea set too and even sold the egg making kits left over to bring in as much cash possible for this great cause.

We raised £1000.00 that year! I still have a whole basket of eggs and every year they come out at the time I get my letter for signing up to the next race (usually now) and always on time for Easter…I’ve been out of the running scene the last few years due to foot operations, but I’m so looking forward to next year when (hopefully) I can think of another way to boost my sponsorship with my other love – crochet.

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