This weeks’ WIP

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This last week has been a bit of a write-off for me. Having blood clots discovered in my leg on Monday (scary) and given even scarier medication it has been somewhat of a struggle to say the least to motivate myself to leave the safe haven of my bed. Putting my leg to the ground for any period of time is as I described to my friends ‘a battle with gravity’.  So with leg a min 10cm above my hip (Dr’s orders), it has been virtually impossible for me to do much other than feeling very sorry for myself and trying to sleep off the side effects of it all.

I had started on *Mauroon (combination of the name ‘Maureen’ and the colour ‘Maroon’) before I had gone to the hospital last weekend and have managed to concentrate on her sweet face for a bit. I’ve unfortunately run out of stuffing so she will have to wait a little while to be finished… I’ve just had the strangest thought:- her legs are deflated whilst mine are swollen and stuffed – haha.  I had quite a lot of fun working on her patches and just had to show you her sweet little face which has kept me company this week 😘

Whilst looking through some of my favourite crochet magazines and websites for something to make, I found a pattern for colour stripe gloves which caught my eye. I have quite a lot of left over yarn from blankets I’ve been making and as you know by now, I just love colour and these would definitely brighten up my winter days which seems to have suddenly crept upon us…

Unable to decide which was better, I fumbled  about, sort of combining ideas from the Attic24’s wrist warmers and the Cherry heart‘s stripy mits pattern and have begun to merge a version of my own.  Depending on the outcome when finished –  I may land up making a few more of these for sale – so keep an eye out on my Etsy shop (or contact me) if you’re interested 😊.


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