Winter Ellie

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It hardly ever snows in Guernsey. I think we’re usually protected from the snow ’cause our island is so small and right in the middle of the English Channel. Mind you, we’re also closer to France which is usually warmer than the UK. I just like to think the combination of position and the large salty expanse around us has ‘protected’ us from snowy falls. In the many years I’ve lived here, I think it has snowed a few times… and strangely, always when the daffodils have just come up with the hope of Spring around the corner.

It doesn’t help that we aren’t prepared for snowy climates having so little snow compared to the UK. From the practical things like grit/salt on our roads: we don’t have that, to the non-practical frenzy that seems to take hold of the people.  Our islands people become obsessed worry pots when the weatherman dares mention the words “snow”, “ice”, “Beast-from-the-East” and shops are emptied from all and any edible and any “we-might-need-this-in-a-few-days-if-we-are-snowed-in”. It’s great fun. 🙂

Growing up in the ‘deep dark Africa’, I have very rarely seen snow and when I do come in contact with the fluffy cold stuff – I feel it’s fair to say that I become the largest kid out there, bursting with excitement and wonder. While everyone else is wondering and wishing for the snow to stop, I’m wishing for it to last longer, frustrated sitting at work wasting the opportunity, aching to go outside to catch the snow on my tongue… I’ve never made a snow angel and dying to! 🙂

Here’s a few snaps taken on my walks to work and back:

I had an order for an elephant. A new baby boy was due. He happened to arrive in the “Beast from the East” storm which hit us and the UK last week. With no post or planes coming on or off the island, I had some extra hours with this new baby Ellie before I could post him off to meet the new boy. Cold and wrapped up with scarves and gloves myself, I thought it might be a good idea to keep the Ellie warm too and made him a little scarf. I think he appreciated it 🙂 his face seemed to light up! I also think in years to come, the Winter Ellie will remind little Killian of his snowy welcoming. Welcome little one!

Have fun if you’ve still got snow with you, there are some jealous souls (like me) wishing I was you! Stay safe.



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